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School Curriculum


Cantonese and Mandarin Streams


Ming Tak is unique, amongst other Chinese language schools in that we offer both Cantonese and Mandarin in equal measures. Currently we have 11 classes in Cantonese and 9 classes in Mandarin. These numbers may vary from year to year. Both streams start from the nursery/playgroup through to IGCSE classes. 

For private students wishing to take IGCSE exams without attending lessons, see policy in fee section.

We use 2 different sets of work and / or exercise books for both streams. The books for Cantonese are designed by the school and use traditional writing. For Mandarin lessons, we use books designed from China, with simplified characters. Books can be examined with appointments to the school officer.

The primary objective of the Ming Tak Chinese School is to teach the Chinese language. Therefore, the main focus of the classes is on the Chinese language, both written and spoken. But the school curriculum also includes other aspects of the Chinese culture such as literature, arts and craft as well as traditional values. We celebrate major festivals on the Chinese calendar.


Tests and Examinations


Progresses of the pupils are closely monitored by regular tests with examinations usually at the end of each school term. Progress up the streams is by mean of good results in the annual examinations. A report card is issued termly to parents, who would have the opportunity to discuss with the teacher about individual progress.

We enter a number of pupils in the top classes each year for the IGCSE examination in Chinese. The results have been outstanding and very encouraging. We are very proud of their excellent achievements. Some students even further their studies in the A level.


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