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Data Protection Policy

Ming Tak Chinese School data protection policy



新的歐盟《一般資料保護規例》二零一八年, 五月二十五日,正式生效。



With the GDPR legislation comes into force on 25 May 2018. This is to confirm that Ming Tak Chinese School will hold the following information:

“Student name, address, email addresses, contact details and other basic medical information”

The purpose of this is so that whilst being a student in the school, this information will enable us to perform administration duties that are required to continue our day to day operations. This information will never be sold or shared with third parties and it will be kept securely.

Unless we hear from you in writing objecting this, we will retain your information if it deems necessary.

To learn more about our data protection strategies, please contact the school with your questions via the school email address below.

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